Trait four of a super-professional: CLARITY

Clarity is the fourth in the series of key characteristics of a ‘super’ professional. In previous articles, I described resilience, autonomy, and agility. Let us explore clarity. Clarity means clearness of purpose and primarily results from simplicity, that is, simple rules, processes and solutions. Complexity may result from well-intentioned, incremental additions to rules and processes, … Read more

How agile a professional are you?

A previous article referred to the four traits of a ‘super’ professional: resilience, autonomy, agility and clarity. In the previous two articles I described the characteristics of resilience and autonomy. In this article, three of four in the series, let us explore agility. This is the ability to move quickly and easily and changing direction if … Read more

As a professional do you have autonomy?

In the previous article on resilience I referred to the four traits of a ‘super’ professional: resilience, autonomy, agility and clarity. This article explores what autonomy means for professionals — you want more autonomy and control of your professional practice, your work and your career. Autonomy means being able to make decisions independently, without having to refer to someone else, to … Read more

Are you a resilient professional?

There are four traits of a ‘super’ professional: resilience, autonomy, agility and clarity. So let us start with resilience, which means the capacity to recover quickly from difficulty, or adversity or setbacks – or in one word ‘toughness’. Dean Becker from Adaptiv Learning Systems found that the level of resilience a person exhibits determines their success, far more … Read more

Are you concerned about your future professional career?

How to protect your future career Let’s talk about where professional’s careers are heading and what you can do to be more successful. What do you think the world will be like in ten years’ time? If you cast your mind back ten years, you couldn’t have imagined the developments that have occurred in that time. There … Read more

Is Micro-learning the answer?

Micro-learning is the process of learning complex skills in short, focused segments less than 10 minutes.

Providing training by video, short articles and reflection exercises, on multiple devices through various web technologies.

Micro-learning can be undertaken in short bites, so there is less cognitive load on learners and information is easier to absorb, retain, and recall. This matches the human brain processing capabilities and makes it a fit for today’s fast-paced and busy professional life.

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Why you should be a life-long learner

You finish high school, go on to university, and maybe pursue graduate education – all with the plan of preparing yourself for a career.

When you are in your early 20’s, school feels like a means to an end – you have been at school for 16 years or more.

Once you have a few years in the ‘real world’ you look back and think those days weren’t so bad?

It’s hard to find time now to acquire new knowledge and skills to further your career.

Are you challenging yourself to continue learning in some way that will further your professional development?

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Continuing your education?

The academic curriculum cannot keep pace with the demands of industry, nor the demands of working professionals.

The content of undergraduate education has diminished over the course of the past few decades – primarily in an effort to reduce the cost burden (to government and students), produce more graduates, and maintain the financial outcomes for universities.

As a result of the explosion of knowledge, the rapid rise in information technology and the growing complexity of industry, the job performed by professionals will continue to be increasingly demanding.

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What is research?

Research is … the systematic investigation into, and study of materials, sources etc in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

A research project can aim to achieve one, or both, of the following:

  1. teach you about how to do research, the research process and how to write a report
  2. find an answer to a problem or research question.

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