Are you missing this key step?

To be a successful professional you should follow the Kaizen principle, or continuous improvement. Best practice program and project management methodologies follow the life-cycle of: Initiate or Concept > Plan > Execute or Deliver > Monitor and Review. In my experience the last step often gets missed. To be able to continuously improve means understanding … Read more

Freight Transport Strategy and Performance

A collation of articles and websites on freight transport strategy and performance. National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy Released in August 2019, the Strategy is an agreed national approach to Australia’s freight and supply chains. There are six delivery areas that will be reported in an annual evaluation of performance: Improved efficiency and international competitiveness … Read more

Passenger Transport Performance across Australia

A collation of articles and websites on passenger transport performance across Australia. Australian Public Transport Barometer  The Australian Public Transport Barometer has been developed in partnership between the Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF) and L.E.K. to provide up-to-date insights about the performance of major metropolitan public transport networks in Australia. As each of the major … Read more

Are buses really running so late?

Criticism of the performance of public transport has been in the media, with headlines like: “Brisbane buses late 16 per cent of time”.

This is as a result of the Queensland Government restarting the publication of performance report called TransLink Tracker, with the second quarter of 2015/16 being published this month.

Public transport performance is a key metric to monitor as reliability is a key attractor of patronage (customers value reliability very highly) and it is a key means of ensuring quality of service and value for money.

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How do you know that public transport services are performing?

The performance and reliability of road based public transport services is become an increasing challenge, and priority.

Traffic congestion is the dominant challenge in cities across Australia. In the recently released Australian Infrastructure Audit 2015 it was forecast that:

The passenger transport task (both road and public transport) across our six largest capital cities is projected to increase by 58 per cent, from 622 million km per day in 2011 to 982 million km per day in 2031.

In most major urban areas across Australia the priority is to increase the mode share of public transport and ensure value for money for taxpayers.

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