What is micro-learning and why is it important?

Micro-learning involves courses with smaller chunks of content, which research showing much better information retention and overall comprehension. [1] There is a common misunderstanding that micro-learning is needed because attention spans are getting shorter. The “Goldfish Myth” states that the average human attention span is now just 8 seconds, which is less than the average … Read more

Professional Identity: Who am I?

Professional identity involves at least partially answering the question ‘who am I?’ For a professional it is how you perceive yourself in relation to your profession and your membership of that profession. Identity is created through beliefs and attitudes, values, motives and experiences through which you define yourself, in your professional life. It is associated … Read more

Are you concerned about your future professional career?

How to protect your future career Let’s talk about where professional’s careers are heading and what you can do to be more successful. What do you think the world will be like in ten years’ time? If you cast your mind back ten years, you couldn’t have imagined the developments that have occurred in that time. There … Read more

How to find time for your professional development

You need to make building capability a priority in your life

Do you want to become more marketable and be able to win that promotion or new job or get selected for the best projects? Then you have to regularly take time to learn a new skill and develop your knowledge.

But do you struggle to make the time for personal development, even though it’s on your ‘to do’ list?

The urgent or important tasks that need to be done crowd out your work day, and beyond! And you want to spend time with your family and friends and have some time for yourself.

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How to use lean project management for transport projects and programs

Smart transport professionals deliver the greatest impact for the resources that they have available, by using a systematic approach to planning and delivering lean transport projects.

Lean project management is about delivering more value for less. The key is stripping away everything that does not add value in terms of providing outcomes for the end user.

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Enhance Your Professional Status with CPD Badges

You put in a solid day’s work for a full day’s pay. While that’s something to be proud of, it doesn’t help you stand out much from the crowd.

In a field as specialised as transport, it pays to distinguish yourself from the rest. Most everybody in the industry has a university degree under their belts, and all transport professionals worth their salt keep abreast of the latest news and innovations in the industry as a matter of course. So, what steps can you take that will lift you to a place of notable prominence in the field?

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