How to Enhance City Mobility Through Strategic Transport Planning

Urban transport systems are the lifeblood of cities, facilitating the movement of people and goods, connecting communities, and driving economic growth. In the face of burgeoning populations and rising urbanisation, managing these systems efficiently is a daunting task for city planners and policymakers. Without strategic planning, cities can become paralysed by gridlock, where the sheer … Read more

Charting the Future of Transport Strategy and Urban Mobility

Transforming the transport sector encompasses a comprehensive strategy encompassing the evolution of systems, policy frameworks, and innovations in technology. As urban populations grow and environmental concerns take centre stage, the drive for sustainable transport solutions becomes even more critical. This approach aims to increase efficiency and integrate intelligent systems, while simultaneously prioritising community needs. Key … Read more

What Does It Really Mean to Think Strategically?

Have you ever thought about what it means to think strategically?  Does it mean to create strategies like in a war? Is it a skill you are born with or something you learn? Strategic thinking seems like a vague buzzword that senior management tosses around to sound important.  Actually, strategic thinking is a skill we … Read more

What Does It Take to Be A Strategic Thinker?

“Curious, Not Judgmental.” – Walt Whitman Strategic thinking is a skill in how we think, assess, view, solve problems, and create our future for ourselves and others.  It’s basically knowing what you to achieve and how to achieve it. It’s not always easy to develop a strategic approach, as it’s both mindset and techniques.  Strategic … Read more

How to Strengthen your Strategic Thinking Skills

Have you been told that you need to be more strategic? Being told that you aren’t strategic enough really stings. Worse is when you try to clarify what more strategic would look like and get few tangible suggestions.  Everyone has an opportunity to think more strategically. Being more strategic doesn’t just mean making decisions that … Read more

Professionals need to Master Strategy

Most professionals struggle with strategy. They know that strategy is important in order to deliver the results, but consider it is senior management’s responsibility. However, all projects and plans should start with strategy – the why. Before getting into the what, how, who and when, you first need to be clear on the why. What is … Read more

How to get resources to address transport challenges?

In previous articles, I outlined the steps in addressing transport challenges: Role of strategy in solving everyday transport challenges A systematic approach to analysing complex transport challenges How to select a solution to solve transport challenges The next step is getting a decision on resourcing – a systematic approach to evaluating transport proposals and presenting … Read more

How to select a solution to solve transport challenges

Selecting the most appropriate intervention or option to address a transport challenge is the next step after defining the problem, determining the strategy and desired outcomes and analysing the challenges. Usually, there is more than one way to address any transport challenge. Different options have unique contributions, key stakeholders, resourcing and risk profiles. A package … Read more

How to use a systematic approach to analysing complex transport challenges

Analysis of transport challenges means identifying and describing the specific problem or problems being faced and getting an understanding of the underlying cause-and-effect relationships. Avoid Mistakes The article “How can you avoid transport policy mistakes?” discussed some of the key mistakes that transport professionals experience when solving complex challenges: Problem-Solution Thinking   Forgetting key stakeholder perspectives … Read more