What Does It Really Mean to Think Strategically?

Have you ever thought about what it means to think strategically?  Does it mean to create strategies like in a war? Is it a skill you are born with or something you learn? Strategic thinking seems like a vague buzzword that senior management tosses around to sound important.  Actually, strategic thinking is a skill we … Read more

What Does It Take to Be A Strategic Thinker?

“Curious, Not Judgmental.” – Walt Whitman Strategic thinking is a skill in how we think, assess, view, solve problems, and create our future for ourselves and others.  It’s basically knowing what you to achieve and how to achieve it. It’s not always easy to develop a strategic approach, as it’s both mindset and techniques.  Strategic … Read more

What is the difference between tactical and strategic thinking?

Let’s look at a few obstacles that currently stand in your way.

By exposing and eliminating these obstacles or problems, you’ll be able to develop your career and be more satisfied than you ever thought possible. These are the same overriding concepts that successful career builders understand and operate on.

The format of this section will be similar to a medical diagnosis. You’ll see the problem, its symptoms, cause and an overview of the solution.

Let’s take a look at one fundamental problem most people experience.
Symptoms: Try every tactic that looks like it’ll make you successful
Cause: Tactical thinking
Problem: Lack of strategy.

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Critical Thinking for Problem Solving

When you use critical thinking techniques to solve problems in your personal or business life, you can be much surer of a satisfying outcome.  Critical thinking helps you to make sense of and discard biases and beliefs and statements that are hurled at us through media. Here are some ways that you can use critical … Read more

Four principles of problem solving

George Pólya in his 1957 book How to Solve It suggests the following steps when solving a problem:

  1. First, you have to understand the problem
  2. After understanding, then make a plan.
  3. Carry out the plan.
  4. Look back on your work. How could it be better?

If this technique fails, Pólya advises: “If you can’t solve a problem, then there is an easier problem you can solve: find it.” (1957:114)

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