Quick Clearance Toolkit Website

The I-95 Corridor Coalition has developed a Quick Clearance Toolkit website that includes links to material and videos designed to help jurisdictions initiate or improve quick clearance programs. The material includes a roadmap for developing a traffic incident management program designed to help provide policy makers and practitioners in traffic incident management with ready-to-use tools … Read more

Tabletop Exercise Instructions for Planned Events and Emergencies

The US Federal Highway Administration has released a guide designed to help in conducting tabletop exercises to test the effectiveness of transportation management plans associated with planned special events. The guide may also be helpful in the management of unplanned incidents including traffic incidents and responses to emergencies.

When planned special events are held, they generally increase traffic demands in or near the location of the event. In order to address this influx of traffic, transportation management plans are developed with the intent of minimising the effect the event has on the transportation system.

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US Report identifies travel demand modelling shortcomings

The US Transportation Research Board has recently conducted a major study into the state-of-practice of travel demand forecasting theory and application in that country.

TRB Special Report 288, Metropolitan Travel Forecasting: Current Practice and Future Direction, examines metropolitan travel forecasting models that provide public officials with information to inform decisions on major transportation system investments and policies.

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