The University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) is working with the I-95 Corridor Coalition to create virtual incident management training software program.
An intensive training program is being developed that will use three-dimensional, multi-player computer gaming simulation technology and distance-based learning technologies to test, validate, certify, and reinforce the dissemination of best incident management practices.
The program will present typical incident situations and allow the participants to play out their normal roles in what is essentially a highly structured and recorded video game.
In this way traffic management personnel and incident responders can experience a wide array of realistic scenarios, analyse the impacts of their decisions, and be trained about appropriate responses and communication as well as the consequences of inappropriate responses and communication breakdowns.
The system will enable practical, scenario-based, interactive, real-time incident management training for up to 500 responders, trainers and “victims” simultaneously at a variety of locations.
The training program will be able to be accessed from any location with an Internet connection thereby reducing training and travel costs and enabling increased participation.
The program is designed to educate and validate quick clearance practices and related incident management techniques, but it is also designed to promote communication, coordination and cooperation among organizations involved in incident management.
See demo videos at the CATT site: