Reducing transport carbon emissions

Stern in his 2006 report concluded that the economic, social and environmental cost of doing nothing is much higher than reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Reducing greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide is a hot topic for transport policy professionals.

Australia’s transport contributes about 14% of all greenhouse gas and can be expected to grow in line with travel growth predictions.

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The Role of Transport Models in Evaluation

The use of transport models to estimate demand for travel in urban transport networks is well established.

Models simulate travel demand between each each origin and destination zone (the study area is divided into analysis zones) and assigns those trips to the road and transit transport networks.

Urban transport models used to predict changes in travel demand resulting from transport system and demographic changes are based on the concept of perceived generalised travel costs.

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Why is traffic congestion a problem?

Problems associated with the predicted levels of future traffic congestion and their proposed solutions have been extensively debated.

Political parties at State and Local levels, be they in government or in opposition, have laid out their ‘fix it’ proposals. So too have other interested groups such as the motorist associations.

Most transport professionals can agree on what is needed. We need to achieve long-term outcomes in terms of economically efficient and safe transport networks, which will provide access and mobility, equitably and which will cause minimum damage to the environment.

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